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Frequently Asked Questions
When is Health Insurance Open Enrollment?
Open enrollment occurs once per year, running from Nov. 1 through Dec. 15. During this time, anyone can sign up for coverage through the marketplace, regardless of whether this is your first time using the marketplace or you wish to switch your current plan. If you aren’t enrolled by the deadline, you have to wait until open enrollment the following year unless you meet the criteria for special enrollment.
How much does health insurance cost?
The cost of health insurance depends on several factors. Where you live has an impact on how much you pay. Your age affects your premium, which increases when you reach the ages of 27, 40 and 65. Tobacco use also plays a role in determining premiums. Costs vary with what type of coverage you have and whether you are enrolling just yourself or your entire family.
Can I get health insurance now?
ACA-compliant coverage is generally available only during the open enrollment period from Nov. 1 through Dec. 15. Most private insurers who offer plans outside of the marketplace also adhere to this open enrollment schedule. You may also be eligible to enroll in health insurance if you have a qualifying event such as marriage, divorce, or a change in existing coverage. The easiest way to find insurance today is by using the FirstQuote Insurance Health Insurance tool to find and compare coverage options from many providers.
Is it illegal not to have health insurance?
When the Affordable Care Act first passed, it required nearly every American to carry health insurance. Those who did not meet exemption criteria incurred a tax penalty for not having it. The current administration eliminated the mandate that made coverage a legal requirement. The change became effective on Jan. 1, 2019. However, there are five states, plus the District of Columbia, that have laws requiring coverage. Those states are California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont.
How do I get health insurance?
There are many ways to shop for health insurance. The Affordable Care Act established a health insurance marketplace to compare coverage and costs for plans available in your area, find out if you qualify for tax credits, and enroll in a plan. The easiest way to shop for health insurance is with FirstQuote Insurance, our easy to use Health Insurance quote tool allows you to compare coverage options from many providers in only a few minutes, giving you a wider variety of plans and options to choose from based on your specific needs and budget.
Should I use a broker to get health insurance?
Using a broker to find health insurance will allow you to compare many options from various providers and plan types. If you do not qualify for a plan under the Affordable Care Act, or simply want to compare all of your options, the easiest way to get health insurance coverage is with FirstQuote Insurance, our easy to use quote tool will allow you to compare options from hundreds of providers and brokers with just a few clicks.
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