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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Medicare?
Medicare is health insurance coverage provided by the federal government. There are three separate parts to the plans: Part A, Part B and Part D. Part A is the hospital insurance portion, and Part B is medical insurance. Part D provides a supplement to help cover the costs of prescription drugs. Included in this coverage are many recommended vaccines, such as the flu shot. Not everyone is eligible for Medicare.
What does Medicare part B cover?
The medical insurance provided in Medicare supplement coverage addresses both preventative services and those deemed medically necessary. Any supplies or services that meet accepted medical standards and are deemed necessary to diagnose your condition or treat it are covered. Part B also covers services and care that are given for illness prevention or early-stage diagnosis.
When is Medicare Open Enrollment?
There are two primary opportunities to enroll in Medicare. Initial enrollment occurs over a six month period beginning three months before and ending three months after your 65th birthday. If you do not get signed up during this period, you can still register during the general enrollment period between Jan. 1 and March 31, but your coverage will not begin until July 1. In addition, you’ll pay a penalty on your Part B premiums.
What does Medicare part A cover?
There is some variation for what exactly the hospital insurance provides for. The differences depend on federal and state laws, decisions made at the national level by Medicare and decisions made at the local level by the companies that process Medicare claims. However, you can generally expect coverage for nursing home and skilled care at a nursing facility, inpatient hospital care, health care provided in the home and hospice.
Who qualifies for Medicare?
In general, people who are aged 65 and older are eligible for Medicare. Those who paid Medicare taxes for at least 10 years qualify for premium-free hospital insurance. Certain people under the age of 65 can also get coverage. Those who are disabled or have end-stage renal disease can obtain Medicare insurance.
How can I find Medicare coverage?
There are many ways to search for Medicare coverage, whether you're looking for part A, B, or supplemental coverage (part D), our easy to use Medicare quote tool will allow you to search for providers, find coverage that meets your needs, and fits your budget. If you have questions, you can contact our team of Friendly Medicare agents to guide you through the process of finding the perfect plan.
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